Session 3:  Taking care of small details
9:00 PM21:00

Session 3: Taking care of small details

In this session, we will take care of small details. We will focus on some examples of details in nature/from the house. We will take some moments to focus on these details and appreciate them. We will draw them out on a paper using our paints or using a pencil (by looking at it in front of us).

Once we have warmed up to details, we will go ahead and add details on our painting.

We will also practice painting reflections on a paper first and then add them to our painting.

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Session 2: Painting the foreground
9:00 PM21:00

Session 2: Painting the foreground

Zoom Link: will be provided soon.

In Session 1, we worked on the background and some textures.
In Session 2, we will work on the foreground. We will add the flowers, rocks and leaves.
In Session 3, we will add details and try to complete the painting.
In Session 4, we will varnish our paintings so its secure to hang up in our office space =)

Material: we will need the same material in all 4 sessions.

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